Friday 5 June 2015

Eco-friendly Shopping

Today is World Environment Day and honestly, there are so many ways to be nice to the plant.

From recycling to saving energy and water, the list is endless.

But have you thought of other day to day tasks where you can be eco-friendly?

One thing we all love is shopping, and believe it or not, you can definitely go green when hunting for bargains and deals.

Here is my list of eco-friendly shopping ideas:

Don't Buy Plastic Bags

I know this is hard to resist, but if you have plastic bags at home, take them along with you instead of buying new one's. Better yet, invest in a few cloth shopping bags which can be washed and re-used a number of times. This will reduce the amount of plastic waste which contributes to pollution.

Local Is Lekker

When goods are imported there are a lot of factors that impact on the environment. First there's the fuel consumption and air pollution from the vehicles transporting the goods. Then there's the fact that when goods are imported there is extra packaging in place, mainly cardboard, plastic and paper. All these elements add to the problem of waste and pollution. if you buy local, you know the above elements are minimal or even non-existent and you will be supporting local business as well.

Organic is Awesome

Tying in with the above statement, buying organic can mean that you will be supporting local businesses. It also means that besides the goods being fresh, they are healthier and safer to eat as they are free from chemicals and pesticides which are also harmful to the environment.

Take A Walk

Yes, we all get lazy, especially after a long day at work. But if you need to get a few items from the local shop and it's within walking distance, ditch the car and take a walk. You will save on petrol and contribute to a reduction in pollution, and let's not forget the mini-workout. 

Rely on Rechargeable

Instead of buying throwaway batteries why not buy rechargeable's. Yes, they are a bit more expensive but they are better for the environment. This is because your normal batteries are not biodegradable which means they sit in landfills for years and years. However, sugar powdered batteries are lightweight biodegradable batteries and have a longer shelf life than normal batteries.

These are just a few ideas to get you started when shopping the eco-friendly way.

Do you have any other ideas? Share them in the comments section. :)

*All image credits to Google Images.*

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